Refrigerators - Whether it’s to change the typical exterior of a refrigerator or add interior details, such as textured surfaces or customized shelves, digital ceramic printing allows all these innovative ideas to become a reality, and to cut free from the limitations of traditional appliances manufacturing.
Oven doors - Transcend from standard black frames to achieve new possibilities for designers and manufacturers. Our inks and technology not only allow more color and graphic options but also withstand the heating conditions and requirements of a glass oven door.
Cooktops - Integrate one of the key elements in today’s kitchen design with the rest of the room using Dip-Tech’s digital ceramic printing technology and create seamless objects that can mimic a counter with any pattern.
Switch panels - Traditional printing methods limit our capacities to produce new and original ideas. Create an almost limitless range of colors and digital icons on elements such as a switch or control panel to elevate your interior design.
Retail glass displays - Whether it’s a store’s theme or a simple logo, a well-designed glass display can make anything look better. Food can look more appealing and jewelry can stand out even more. Integrate these elements into any design concept with Dip-Tech’s ceramic digital printing technology.
Gas cookers - Usually known as simple 1-color objects, designers are nowadays more than willing to enjoy the flexibilities of digital technologies such as ours get original and refreshing elements in their kitchen designs.
Baking ovens - Take the baking appliance from plain to chic and make it become the most interesting object in the kitchen that flawlessly blends with the space.
Microwave - The traditional black pattern, or a simple dot pattern, are no longer the only options for a microwave’s glass. Colors, gradients and photorealistic images are the new trend for manufacturers and appliance designers.